Sunday, February 14, 2010

Please Help Me Understand...

This one word has SO MANY different interpretations...
1. the social institution under which a man and woman establish their decision to live as husband and wife by legal commitments, religious ceremonies, etc.
2. the state, condition, or relationship of being married; wedlock: a happy marriage.
3. the legal or religious ceremony that formalizes the decision of a man and woman to live as husband and wife, including the accompanying social festivities: to officiate at a marriage.
4. a relationship in which two people have pledged themselves to each other in the manner of a husband and wife, without legal sanction: trial marriage; homosexual marriage.
5. any close or intimate association or union: the marriage of words and music in a hit song.
6. a formal agreement between two companies or enterprises to combine operations, resources, etc., for mutual benefit; merger.
7. a blending or matching of different elements or components: The new lipstick is a beautiful marriage of fragrance and texture.
8. Cards. a meld of the king and queen of a suit, as in pinochle. 
9. a piece of antique furniture assembled from components of two or more authentic pieces.
10. Obsolete. the formal declaration or contract by which act a man and a woman join in wedlock.

But may I point out the one definition in there that clearly says :'a happy marriage'. This is almost laughable to me. In today's society, there's no such thing as 'a happy marriage'. With divorce rates rising every year (right now its at 4.95/1000...) and surprise weddings popping up all over the place, I can almost see how so many marriages become statistics.
When I was younger and I dreamed of one day having my 'knight in shining armor' along with my big country house, 2 kids, dog and large family vehicle... Pfft wow, that is unheard of now. I always imagined I'd go to school to be a doctor, marry by the time I was 25 and have my family by the time I was 26. Realistically... I'm in school for Criminal Justice, 25 yrs old now and no plans to have any kids until my degree is in my hands.
Today it seems like so many people are rushing to get married because its 'the right thing to do' completely forgetting or overlooking the MAJOR flaws within their relationships. Sure he may drink some but that's only when he's had a hard day at work... You didn't say that after he back handed you and flipped your ass over a couch. Or she all of a sudden doesn't want to be married because its not what she imagined it would be... What!??! Or why marry her if you know she's a hoe? C'mon man... Who said it was gumdrops, lollipops and rainbows? Sure I've never been married and honestly the thought of marriage scares me to death. The last thing I want to be is a statistic. I pride myself on setting myself aside from those that like to conform to the norm.
What I don't get is, why are you going to marry someone just because? Marriage is not a trend, its a REAL commitment... A REAL LIFE commitment. I'm so beyond sick of hearing about 2 month marriages (notorious with celebs) or divorce after one year.. why? What could have possibly happened between now and then to make you want to change your mind? Oh! I know.. how about you actually take the time to get to know someone COMPLETELY before you up and decide to get hitched. There is NO reason you should marry someone if you don't know every in, out, up, down, right, left. You should know how they look when they go to sleep, when they wake up, their pet peeves, their nasty little habits... EVERYTHING! My dad once told me, before you commit to marriage with someone, you should spend at LEAST a year with that person getting to know them, then take a step back and re-evaluate. Shhhititttt... maybe if I would have listened the first time, I wouldn't have wasted 3.5 years of my life with the wrong man..
Any who, I'm not going to say I'm a saint or that my relationship is perfect because by no means is it but it is everything I could imagine it to be. We have an understanding between us, basically if ANYTHING is wrong we discuss it then, not later. We avoid arguments by having everything out in the open, as a matter of fact we have yet to have our first argument and its been about a year and a half. Not only that but I love and respect this man. We click on so many levels, its crazy but we make it work no matter what the problem. Have we discussed marriage? Yes, on more than one occasion. We've even discussed kids! But that's all it is for now, discussion. Why? Because we are still learning each other.
I know of someone I used to talk to but due to a lot of shady circumstances, she's fallen from my circle of trust/caring. Any way, she divorced her husband after one year of marriage, why? To hide her insecurities and indiscretions. It was a brutal divorce and when it was all said and done, she became the town whore and swore to never marry again. As time went on, she saw everyone falling into solid relationships and began to yearn for one of her own. Long story short... she met a man and after 'knowing' him for only 3 months, moved him in. The next month, pictures of engagement rings started popping up all over myspace... 3 months later, a ring. WTF? A 7 month relationship with someone who barely knows what she wants? Wow...
Why not take the time to get to know someone before making a mockery of the most sacred of unions? It doesn't hurt to commit yourself to one person, find out what makes them tick.. In the process learn who you are, learn to find what you want to be happy.. No that doesn't mean getting married will 'complete' your life because it won't. Yes, I know almost every woman has had the thought of a big wedding with a million guests and running away to fairy tale land... yeah.. But lets say you do meet someone and set your 'relationship' on a schedule. By that I mean, you meet on Feb 1, plan on having a ring on your finger by Feb 28, first kid by Nov and so on so forth. Thats not the way it happens.
Learn to find what it is you really want and you will be happy with yourself, your surroundings and whatever you may come in contact with... Stop wasting time on bull-headed dreams of living the simple life. Its 2010, you have to work for what you want... nothing has ever been handed to anyone. It's a hard lesson to learn but everyone learns it at some point in your life.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010


Hello again!I swear I'm going to try to stay up with this 'blogging thing' more often... *cries* it's hard when you don't have anything to do.. kidding. I just need to 'open up' a bit more.

Anywho... Onto the topic of the blog! During church this past Sunday, I agreed to attend a different type of church so that I could be witness to Phlip's nephews' baptism. *Sigh* Where do I start... Oh I know... How about getting greeted by someone I'm almost sure was a dude dressed in drag. Okay, so we are then ushered into the front of this tiny old church to sit in the 3rd row... I have yet to understand this considering the baptism took place in the BASEMENT... AFTER the sermon.
Okay now that is out of my system... let's start with the beginning of the service. Kid's choir (I know what you're thinking *awh how cute!* and no it wasn't) fills in the front choir seats and proceed to sing from a hymnal book. The song goes on for 10 minutes at the very least with speeding up and slowing down occurring from the 'band'.
Eventually they stop and begin reading announcements. I thank God we weren't standing during this because it alone had to be 20 minutes. There were things in the announcements that REALLY didn't need to be there. About this time there have been 2 or 3 girls from the kids choir up on the podium and each time you'd see Chester sitting there staring and licking his lips BUT has the nerve to get up and announce the church get together for couples that he and his wife will be putting together on Valentines day ... 4 WEEKS FROM NOW!!!
Next!!! We have the preacher making stupid jokes about people finally showing up... this is normally known as 'calling one out' and although they laughed, I'm sure they didn't appreciate it. At this point I'm texting Phlip to ask why the sermon hasn't started as ANOTHER song from the choir is being started.
Long story short... a GOOD SOLID 45 minutes go by before the sermon even begins. Now nevermind the fact the preacher mentioned the scriptures to focus on about 20 minutes ago, this dude is going to proceed to use half, if not ALL of the lyrics from a Whitney Houston song. I found out later that he also used lyrics from a rap song. EVERYTHING dude said had NOTHING to do with the bible. I learned NOTHING in that sermon and am I wrong for assuming I was supposed to feel enlightened? What the french toast dude?
So, the BEST part of it all FINALLY comes up after many failed attempts to pay attention and not fall asleep. You know its the end when you hear the typical... *And then you know-ah... that you-ah... are in the-ah... right place-ah... when you-ah... feel-ah.. that-ah you have done something right-ah*... -.-
ANYWAY!!! So as he appeals to the crowd that isn't really even responding... you hear the church 'loud mouth' with his 'WELL' 'AMEN' 'PREACH'... DO YOU MIND!!??! STFU OR USE YOUR INSIDE VOICE!!!! NOT EVERYONE NEEDS TO HEAR YOU CHESTER!
So... anyway, I happen to observe as the sermon comes to a close... Is that a.. no way.. Omg.. SHE HAS A MULLET!!! AND SHES BLACK!!!
That's correct... this is NOT cute.. it's a MULLET!!! No 2 ways around it.THIS IS VERY WRONG!!!
Now.. onto the actual baptism AFTER... that's right AFTER church has ended. We are ushered into an unkempt basement with a hole in the floor filled with water... Did I miss the memo about this being a normal thing? Last time I checked, no one has a pre-constructed pool for baptisms in their CHURCH basement!!
So suffice to say... Phlip and I left HIGHLY aggravated and WAY too ready to go. I am proud of his nephew for the decision he has made however... I will NEVER be setting foot in there again.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Random Thoughts...

So. It's 2010. Really? Already 7 days into the new year and I still feel like a sitting duck. Hopefully things will begin to change soon... Sitting here doing nothing but watching the dog, cleaning, doing homework or playing games... Is going to drive me insane.
I have been thinking A LOT about getting another tattoo(s) and found a couple new designs I really like... I'll feature those later. I finally broke down and expressed how much I missed my nose ring :( I had it for so long, it was part of my persona.... Without it I feel so.... bleh. Maybe one day when I get a real job I can finally get it back.
Anywho... Back to my rantings about my (hopefully soon) new ink...
Pretty nice eh?... Or how about..
I had to doctor the last one up a bit... Nothing MS paint couldn't do for me :)
So, there is a new puppy in the household. His name is Bruiser. He's a Jack Russell/Chihuahua mix and adorable. See for yourself...
Told ya.
My little chihuahua Taj is having a hard time adjusting but she'll come around once she realizes he is one of her own...
This is my little Taj ^_^

Okay, so I realize this is a good way for me to get my thoughts out in the open even if no one reads it...
It sometimes takes a tough situation for you to realize 3 things...
1. Appreciate who you have with you
2. Appreciate your surroundings
3. Recognize who you really want to be by your side if something goes down
I guess you could say that although I'm adopted, I'm my fathers' daughter. I mean this because both my Step & Dad have a lot of pride. They won't ask for help unless they REALLY need it. I recognized this at an early age and stopped depending on what others can do for me. Basically, I hate asking for anything. This doesn't mean I'll just take it, it means I will find my own way out of it no matter how long it may take. I'm very much used to that. However at the same time I have also found myself in the position of being 'the giver' and give WAY to much without any kind of return. Not that I expect it.. Sometimes you just have to do things out of the goodness of your heart and know that somehow you helped someone.
That has always been something I have thrived off of... helping those that genuinely need the help. But, unfortunately, I have seen what happens when this backfires. It's not hard to figure out really... people end up getting used to the giving and get spoiled. When they can't get what they want, they complain... maybe even throw a fit... and eventually get over it.
I've never really understood why anyone would burn their bridges knowing good and well that they may need them later on down the road. Oh well.
Another thing I don't get... Porn. I'm not going to honestly say I've never seen it (flicks, pics & stories) but what does it really do? I don't mind anyone being a collector or even indulging in it but sometimes my mind wanders into the area where I feel like complete garbage because my body doesn't look like that or my butt, breasts and thighs look nothing like Buffy the Body or Coco. I think that may be the only thing I really hate about it... Other than the cheesy movie plots and EXTREMELY fake emotion put into it.
But whatever... I don't mind walking with my head held high and an extra 'pep' in my step. I try not to let things get to me and sometimes it works... I guess when it comes to the things that really matter (such as the way I look or who I am) I tend to get flustered. I really don't have a reason to given all of the things I've been through and the accomplishments that I've made but sometimes I guess its just not good enough.
I do love where I am right now, I mean minus being unemployed... I love my life. Those who are around me I cherish dearly. This has already been made known to those that need to know.

My mind has gone completely blank... So I suppose I'll go ahead and draw to a close here.
