Monday, May 5, 2008

Why is it!??! Original Post May 5, 2008

Wow... I haven't written anything since Feb!!! Oh mee gosh!! Thats crucial.. Really it is. Oh my, the things I have to speak on are TREMENDOUS!

So, I appreciate the views, comments, kudos, etc. etc. They are much appreciated!! 855 views is pretty good if I do say so myself

For starters, I want to send congrats to my youngest sister who is to be wed May 21st 2008. We may have our differences, but in the end, we're still family. I wish you the best of luck and nothing but a lifetime of happiness.

Now for the nitty gritty... After many long conversations and deliberations these past few days, weeks, months; I've got a few questions that still leave me feeling a little confused. Again, any and all input is appreciated!

Ok ladies and gents... lets do this!

We're gonna start with the biggie first. Why is it guys always seem to underestimate what a female can accomplish? Fellas I'm telling you now, there isn't a thing a female can't or won't figure out. It may happen immediately or take some time but eventually, if you're up to no good... eventually she will find out. I can almost guarantee it. However on the flip side of things, why is it some females don't seem to learn their lesson? Why do women put themselves in a position where they can be hurt several times, by the same person but forgive everytime and still STAY in the same relationship? Yeah I can understand the 'second chance' rule but what about the third...fifth...seventh... If things are still the same after the 1st incident, you need to re-evaluate the situation. There isnt such a thing as a 'second, second chance' or a 'second, third chance'.. c'mon get with it!

Why is it some people are never satisfied? You're hot then you're cold. You're yes then you're no. You're wrong then you're right, its black then its white.. I know all about being indecisive but I am always completely satisfied with my outcome, good or bad.

Why is it people get married when they either A. Cant stop cheating or B. Know they'll be just another divorce statistic in about a month? Is this the new 'trend' for 2008 and beyond?

Why is it gas prices are so high? Yeah yeah I understand the politics of it all but why hasn't someone done something yet to help keep them from peaking at 4.00/gallon? Sure I could ride a bike or a scooter to work everyday to help conserve gas and contribute to the fight against global warming but... yeah I dont see that happening.

Ugh, I'm so sleepy I've lost my train of thought so once I get some much needed rest I shall return with more unanswered questions.
