I have been thinking A LOT about getting another tattoo(s) and found a couple new designs I really like... I'll feature those later. I finally broke down and expressed how much I missed my nose ring :( I had it for so long, it was part of my persona.... Without it I feel so.... bleh. Maybe one day when I get a real job I can finally get it back.
Anywho... Back to my rantings about my (hopefully soon) new ink...
Pretty nice eh?... Or how about..
I had to doctor the last one up a bit... Nothing MS paint couldn't do for me :)
So, there is a new puppy in the household. His name is Bruiser. He's a Jack Russell/Chihuahua mix and adorable. See for yourself...
Told ya.
My little chihuahua Taj is having a hard time adjusting but she'll come around once she realizes he is one of her own...
This is my little Taj ^_^
Okay, so I realize this is a good way for me to get my thoughts out in the open even if no one reads it...
It sometimes takes a tough situation for you to realize 3 things...
1. Appreciate who you have with you
2. Appreciate your surroundings
3. Recognize who you really want to be by your side if something goes down
I guess you could say that although I'm adopted, I'm my fathers' daughter. I mean this because both my Step & Dad have a lot of pride. They won't ask for help unless they REALLY need it. I recognized this at an early age and stopped depending on what others can do for me. Basically, I hate asking for anything. This doesn't mean I'll just take it, it means I will find my own way out of it no matter how long it may take. I'm very much used to that. However at the same time I have also found myself in the position of being 'the giver' and give WAY to much without any kind of return. Not that I expect it.. Sometimes you just have to do things out of the goodness of your heart and know that somehow you helped someone.
That has always been something I have thrived off of... helping those that genuinely need the help. But, unfortunately, I have seen what happens when this backfires. It's not hard to figure out really... people end up getting used to the giving and get spoiled. When they can't get what they want, they complain... maybe even throw a fit... and eventually get over it.
I've never really understood why anyone would burn their bridges knowing good and well that they may need them later on down the road. Oh well.
Another thing I don't get... Porn. I'm not going to honestly say I've never seen it (flicks, pics & stories) but what does it really do? I don't mind anyone being a collector or even indulging in it but sometimes my mind wanders into the area where I feel like complete garbage because my body doesn't look like that or my butt, breasts and thighs look nothing like Buffy the Body or Coco. I think that may be the only thing I really hate about it... Other than the cheesy movie plots and EXTREMELY fake emotion put into it.
But whatever... I don't mind walking with my head held high and an extra 'pep' in my step. I try not to let things get to me and sometimes it works... I guess when it comes to the things that really matter (such as the way I look or who I am) I tend to get flustered. I really don't have a reason to given all of the things I've been through and the accomplishments that I've made but sometimes I guess its just not good enough.
I do love where I am right now, I mean minus being unemployed... I love my life. Those who are around me I cherish dearly. This has already been made known to those that need to know.
My mind has gone completely blank... So I suppose I'll go ahead and draw to a close here.
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